Privacy Statement

DANS believes your privacy is important. This privacy statement tells you which data DANS collects, how these are processed and for what purpose.

DANS is an institute of the Dutch Academy KNAW and funding organisation NWO and is part of the legal entity of The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (the Academy) KNAW.

Privacy policy
DANS is aware of its responsibility when processing personal data. DANS wants every person whose personal data it processes to be confident that this is done in a careful and lawful manner. DANS processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the privacy rules arising from it.

Which personal data is recorded by DANS?
DANS only processes personal data if this is necessary for a specific purpose. The purpose determines which personal data have to be processed and no more data will be asked for than is essential for that purpose. Depending on the purpose, the following personal data may be processed: name, address, town/city and email address. A table detailing the personal data processed in the DANS services is provided below.

On what basis does DANS process personal data?
DANS only processes your personal data if there is a legitimate basis for doing so. Depending on the purpose, personal data are processed because:

  •  You give your consent for this to be done.
  •  It is essential for implementing an agreement that has been made with you.
  •  It is essential in order to fulfil a legal obligation.
  •  It is essential in order to protect your vital interests.
  •  A public interest task is concerned.
  •  DANS has a legitimate interest in doing so.

If DANS processes personal data on the basis of your having given consent, you have the opportunity to withdraw your consent at any time. From that moment on, DANS will no longer process any of your personal data.

DANS processes one or more of your personal details for the following purposes (depending on the activities that apply to you):

  • To enable you to make use of the DANS data services – details are listed below.
  • To provide you with (online) training and events.
  • To send you newsletters via e-mail/or by post.
  • To answer your questions or to provide information through social media, e-mail, by post or by telephone.
  • To exchange academic information.
  • To be able to meet financial obligations.
  • To improve and protect the DANS websites.

Securing your personal data
DANS secures your personal data to prevent misuse or unauthorised access to your personal data.

Retention period for your personal data
In principle, personal data are not retained any longer than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the personal data are collected.

In cases where documents are archived in the public interest, for scientific or historical research, or for statistical purposes, personal data can be stored for a longer period. If this is the case, DANS, in accordance with the GDPR, will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect your rights.

Disclosure to third parties
DANS will only disclose your personal data to third parties if there is a legal obligation or basis to do so as referred to in Section 6 GDPR.

When DANS discloses your data to a third party, it will safeguard your rights to privacy, among other things by concluding a processing agreement in which arrangements are made as to how your personal data must be dealt with.

DANS makes standard use of (sub)processors for the DANS services, for online training and events, for sending out newsletters, for communication and support, and for website protection.

DANS makes use of cookies in so far as these are necessary for the operation of the website and to monitor the quality or effectiveness of the website.

Third-party websites
This statement is not applicable to websites of third parties that are connected to our website by means of links. DANS advises you to go through the privacy policy of these third parties thoroughly.

Exercising your privacy rights
You can submit a request to DANS to exercise the following rights:

  • Right to access your personal data.
  • Right to rectify and/or add to your personal data.
  • Right to erasure of your personal data.
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data.
  • Right to data portability.
  • Right of objection.
  • Right not to be subjected to a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling.

If your personal data are processed with a view to archiving in the public interest, scientific or historical research, or for statistical purposes, legislation places restrictions on, among other things, your right to access, rectification, restriction of processing, and your right of objection. Furthermore, if data is processed with a view to archiving in the public interest, your right to the portability of your personal data is also restricted. In addition, in this context DANS requirement to notify data subjects does not apply in all cases.

Data protection officer
Should you have any questions and/or complaints about the safeguarding of your privacy within DANS, please contact our privacy coordinator via the DANS telephone number or this email address, or contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (the Academy) via this email address.

Personal Data Authority
DANS will work with you to find a solution if you have a complaint regarding the processing of your personal data. If this does not lead to a satisfactory result, you have the right under the GDPR to submit a complaint to the Personal Data Authority.


DANS data services
Data Stations Definition DANS Data Station is a repository in which you can deposit and/or download scientific datasets.
Account Your data will be processed to create an account so that you can  use the facilities of the Data Stations which require logging in. Which includes submitting access requests and submitting datasets for review. 
Access Requests When you submit an access request your account information will be shown to the depositor. This is necessary for the depositor to gain insight into who you are in order to be able to make a careful assessment of how to grant access.
Publishing dataset When DANS publishes your dataset, your first and last name will be published publicly as metadata of the dataset.
Agreement By creating an account you agree to the Terms of Use.
Personal data for scientific justification of a dataset This concerns personal data which are required for the scientific justification of a dataset, including title, name, affiliation and contact information of the author of a dataset, of authors of sources cited in a dataset, of other contributors to a dataset and of rights holders to data forming part of a dataset. DANS is the controller for this personal data.
Personal data as research data

The institutions, or individual researchers, that submit research data with personal data to DANS are responsible for processing them under the GDPR. DANS is the processor. The institutions or researchers are therefore also responsible for the extent to which these data are accessible. Is your personal data part of the research data of a dataset? Please refer to the relevant institution or researcher for more information and to exercise your privacy rights. Contact DANS in case you cannot reach the controller.


In accordance with the Terms of Use DANS can become controller for these personal data in certain situations. This will particularly be the case when there is no – substitute – depositor. In those cases DANS is indicated as depositor of the dataset. Please contact DANS for more information and to exercise your privacy rights.

EASY Definition EASY is the legacy online archiving system of DANS.
Account Your data is processed to create an account so that you can use the EASY facilities that require logging in. Which includes submitting permission requests and depositing datasets.
Permission requests When you submit a permission request your account information will be shown to the depositor. This is necessary for the depositor to gain insight into who you are in order to be able to make a careful assessment of how to grant access.
Download logs Only after you have agreed to this will your initials, last name, function and organisation be made visible to other logged in users via the log part of the dataset when you have downloaded a dataset for which you had to log in. They can see the date on which you downloaded files and how many files were involved. The depositor can see which files are involved.
Newsletter If you have indicated this, your email address will also be used for sending you our newsletter.
Agreement By creating an account you agree to the EASY General Terms and Conditions of Use.
Personal data for scientific justification of a dataset This concerns personal data which are required for the scientific justification of a dataset, including title, name, affiliation and contact information of the author of a dataset, of authors of sources cited in a dataset, of other contributors to a dataset and of rights holders to data forming part of a dataset. DANS is the controller for this personal data.
Personal data as research data The institutions, or individual researchers, that submit research data with personal data to DANS are responsible for processing them under the GDPR. DANS is the processor. The institutions or researchers are therefore also responsible for the extent to which these data are accessible. Is your personal data part of the research data of a dataset? Please refer to the relevant institution or researcher for more information and to exercise your privacy rights.
Processing agreements DANS concludes a processing agreement with parties that store personal data in research data. DANS is working on this with retroactive effect. Given the large number of datasets that DANS now manages and the limited degree to which DANS has insight into the presence of personal data in them, DANS may not be able to do this for every dataset deposited before 1 January 2023.
DataverseNL Definition DataverseNL is a network of data repositories that makes use of the Dataverse software developed by the University of Harvard (USA). DataverseNL is offered jointly by the participating institutions and DANS. DANS has been managing the network since 2014; data management in the local repositories is handled by the individual institutions. 
Account Your data will be processed to create an account so that you can use the facilities of DataverseNL which require logging in. Which includes submitting access requests and creating, managing and publishing dataverses and/or datasets.
Access Requests When you submit an access request your account information will be shown to the administrator and depositor. You may be required to complete a guestbook, see below. This is necessary for the administrator and/or depositor to gain insight into who you are in order to be able to make a careful assessment of how to grant access.
Guestbook When you want to download files, with or without an account, you may be asked to complete a guestbook first. Your data can be shown to the administrator and depositor of the relevant dataset. This is necessary for the administrator and/or depositor to gain insight into who you are in order to be able to make a careful assessment of how to grant access.
Publishing When you publish a dataset, your first and last name will be published publicly as metadata of the dataset.
Agreement By creating an account you agree to the DataverseNL General Terms of Use.
Personal data for scientific justification of a dataset This concerns personal data which are required for the scientific justification of a dataset, including title, name, affiliation and contact information of the author of a dataset, of authors of sources cited in a dataset, of other contributors to a dataset and of rights holders to data forming part of a dataset. DANS is the controller for this personal data.
Personal data in research data These are personal data of third parties that have been included in a dataset for research purposes. The institutions that submit these research data with personal data to DANS are responsible for processing them under the GDPR. DANS is the processor. The institutions are therefore also responsible for the extent to which these data are accessible. Is your personal data part of the research data of a dataset? Please refer to the relevant institution for more information and to exercise your privacy rights.

Details on the personal information required by each system or application can be found here.

Changes to this privacy statement
DANS may change this privacy statement. Any changes will be published on the relevant DANS website. Changes made to this privacy statement will never be in violation of the GDPR and the privacy rules arising from it.

Contact details
DANS’ contact details are available online.

Entry into force
This privacy statement entered into force on 22 September 2023.